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akira12 March 2010
Slytherin Place!! [9]
Well, the title say it all. Come, come, snake member!!
candyqty January 2010
Why do u LUVTOMFELTON ? [20]
So,the name says it all...WHY do u heart.gif love Tom Felton heart.gif or what is it u hearts.gif love about him?
emmy2009 January 2010
Tom or Draco (4)
Guys,do u prefer him as tom or as draco?
jakimc September 2009
Tom on Twitter (1)
i recently registered with twitter n guess who i found on there... yup... the 1 n only Tom Felton! i now follow him n can c ne tweets he puts on there
janfer August 2009
Draco's spells [12]
Here u can post the spells that Draco used in the 7 books and movies.
akira12 July 2009
Does Tom love Draco? (3)
Tom is great as Draco Malfoy (no doubt). But he did an audition for Harry too! In an interview with the as*osiated Press, Tom said: ''I went for harry

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