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Stories of infidelity. You are not alone and as you can see from the stories below, there are many people like you who have been put in this situation, who have survived, found happiness and moved forward with their lives. Sara and Matt Sara and Matt had been married for fours years. With their first child on the way, all seemed well to Sara. She had married the man of her dreams, purchased a nice home and they were expecting. What she did not realize is that Matt began having an affair with a co-worker. After the birth of their child, there was tension in the relationship. She had gained some weigh and was naturally busy with the baby but she still loved her husband. They almost never had s*x and intimacy had dropped off to nothing. Matt had told her several times that he did not feel loved but her honest reply was that he knows she loves him and that with the baby and trying to manage the household, they both needed to act more like adults then like love struck school kids. Approximately eight months after their daughter was born things were not wonderful. Matt was working long hours and not home often. When he was home, he was distant and day dreamed often. Sara was busy being a mom and caring for her child, which appeared to take all of her time and energy. Matt came home early from work one day and was obviously upset. He told Sara that they needed to take the baby to her mothers for the night and talk. She did not understand why, but complied. When they got back home, he informed her that he was served with legal papers and that he was being sued for s*xual harassment by a co-worker. He told her how she was an angry, aggressive woman who was trying to make money off of him and the company. After explaining for hours, Sara asked to see the legal papers. He indicated that he took them to a lawyers office and that he was going to fight it but they may have to settle and pay her something despite his innocence. He went on and on about her targeting him because he was going places in the company and because he was married. She asked why the company was not defending him and he said because of some technicality in the way she filed the law suit; he had to get his own lawyer. She was upset but he assured her that things would be fine and if they had to pay her off, it was only money. She pressed him about how she could try and get away with this if nothing had happened between them and he insisted that it did not. Over the next week she was constantly asking him what was going on, what had the lawyer said, can she speak with the lawyer, who else did she accuse, should they just contact this woman directly and try and reason with her, why wasn’t the office doing anything to help, etc. Matt became very defensive and finally told her to let him handle it. Things just did not add up and Matt did not have good answers for her. She decided to check things out on her own and contacted the court. The clerk’s office reported that Matt was named in a s
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