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Dear1.Darlin' 2.Lovely Wife 3.Hunibunch 4.Snuggems 5.GrooviChic 6.My Vegaterrorist Significant Othr 7.Equal Partner in All Matters 8.Finest Woman on Earth 9.Mrs.Lucky 10.Woman of my dreamsa)I'm not sorry at all b)I'm sorry c)I'm really sorry d)I have no excuse e)I humbly ask for your forgiveness f)I'm prepared to take my own life g)I'm the lowest form of life h)I feel horrible For1.forgetting 2.neglectinga)to put my dishes in the dishwasher b)to fold the clothes c)to empty the trash d)to be sensitive to your mood e)to check the litter box f)to pick up my underwear g)to pick up the dry-cleaning h)to clean my hair out of the drain i)to pick up before company arrives j)to clean out the car like I agreed to k)to wear matching socks l)to put the toilet seat down m)to say Happy Birthday the moment you woke up n)to make the deposit o)to tell you about my trip to the money machine p)to put the empty water bottles out q)to bring home the Rubbermaid from the office r)to return the movies s)to refill the toilet paper t)to shovel the sidewalk u)to pay the bills v)to consider your feelings when canceling our date. I was1.doing something important 2.working on your surprise 3.really out there 4.sleeping 5.not thinking clearly 6.helping Dave and YoKen 7.on the computer 8.making dinner 9.on my knees worshipping your shrine 10.tired 11.apoplectic 12.dealing with a crisis at the office And could wait 2.I'd do it later were taking care of it 4.I'd deal with it this weekend 5.I'd ask Dave to help me with it tomorrow would take care of itself 7.about just watching TV would just go away 9.I could get someone else to do it 10.I could cheer you up by being funny 11.I thought I'd be done earlier. So Im1.thinking about how crazy your family is 2.sitting in the dark, waiting to die 3.super tense 4.wracked with guilt 5.dying here 6.on the phone with Suicide Hotline 7.considering my fate 8.writing in my Franklin 9.obsessing over it.Hoping you dont1.sell me into scientific experiments 2.leave me 3.kill me 4.torture me 5.put me in The Doghouse 6.emasculate me 7.tell The Mom about this 8.tell your mom about this 9.banish me to the couch for a month 10.hack it off 11.make me wear The Outfit 12.donate the airline tickets to a game show.Please...1.just forget about it 2.cut it off now, or I'll do it myself 3.accept my apology 4.let me live 5.let's withhold judgment 6.let's cool off for a while 7.let me make it up to you 8.I'll never do it again 9.I'm learning to be a better person 10.understand the pressure I'm under a)Guys will do this sort of thing b)It doesn't mean I'm a bad person c)Go have a beer and relax d)Sometimes I just behave poorly e)I'm a b*tthead f)Let me tell you... It was Watson's fault g)I'm really a nice guy h)I'll make you dinner for a month i)You knew this about me when we got married j)Please don't eat my Chinese take-out from yesterday k)I owe you one l)Forget about the money you owe me and we'll call it even m)I promise I'll never do it again
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