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* Lovebirb2010 > Topics

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ssanizzy June 2012
s*x and Love (3)
Do there any thin line between makin lov nd havin s*x? i mean, wats d differenc between making lov nd having s*x?
ombaso September 2010
Is it betrayal? (3)
Ma best friend had s*x wid ma gal.plz tel me how do i treat dis matter?she is sorry a bout it.
ssanizzy September 2010
Lov dnt exizt (3)
Why is it tht lov neva get balanced..if u find yoslf dwn 1 minz d otha isnt dwn 4u as mch as u do 4him/her?
whitefox June 2010
Wht is love? (4)
I see tht u guys r talking abt love everyone have their opinions abt it so i m asking simple question 2 u guys what is love?
linngam May 2010
Love en flirt (3)
Is this sayin tru o no (a boys love on the brain but a girls lov is the heart)
ssanizzy May 2010
What is Sey? (0)
Is s*x tht brings 2lovers 2getha or its a string tht attachez lov surely intact or its js wats maks lov 2b known as lov?
linngam May 2010
Destroy (1)
What destroys a health relationship? Is s*x is it the three cs cash clothes and car
linngam May 2010
s*x truth (1)
Did u know that a man can tel u anythin especially secrets durin the s*xcruise.comment
ssanizzy May 2010
Girls think less? (1)
Girls do wory abt their future not-until they get maried,boys dont wory abt their future not-until they it tru?
linngam May 2010
Truth or not (2)
How can u tel that a guy is really down 4u?
honestty May 2010
feelings (2)
if you have feeling for someone give them a hint that you like them,wave, stare, wink, ect what do u think?
ssanizzy May 2010
Do it hurts mo (1)
When u com 2find that d person who loved u has gone or given it away bcoz u loved some1 than 2luv some1 who daznt luv u?
framtem1 May 2010
Datin (1)
Can u date sum1 on internet? Is internet lov true?
linngam May 2010
Romance (4)
If ure in a long distance relationship how often do u hav 2communicatin for in a week?En do these type of relation work?
linngam May 2010
Love en s*x (2) en s*x can s*x build a strong bond? How gud is s*x in a relationship.wat about deep kisses

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