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Hindu Wedding Rituals
13 Steps of a Vedic Marriage
While various regional steps
are followed by different sects
of Hindus across India , the
following 13 steps form the
core of a Vedic wedding
ceremony :

Vara Satkaarah -

of the bridegroom and his kinsmen at the entrance
gate of the wedding hall
where the
chants a few mantras and
the bride 's mother blesses
the groom with rice and
trefoil and applies tilak of
vermilion and turmeric
Madhuparka Ceremony -
Reception of the
bridegroom at the altar and
bestowing of presents by
the bride 's father .
Kanya Dan -
The bride ' s
father gives away his
daughter to the groom
amidst the chanting of
sacred mantras.
Vivah-Homa - The sacred
fire ceremony ascertaining
that all auspicious
undertakings are begun in
an atmosphere of purity
and spirituality.
Pani-Grahan - The groom
takes the right hand of the
bride in his left hand and
accepts her as his lawfully
wedded wife.
Pratigna-Karan - The
couple walk round the fire ,
the bride leading, and take
solemn vows of loyalty ,
steadfast love and life -long
fidelity to each other .
Shila Arohan - The mother
of the bride as*ists her to
step onto a stone slab and
counsels her to prepare
herself for a new life .
Laja -Homah - Puffed rice
offered as oblations into the
sacred fire by the bride
while keeping the palms of
her hands over those of the
Parikrama or Pradakshina
or Mangal Fera - The
couple circles the sacred fire
seven times . This aspect of
the ceremony legalizes the
marriage according to the
Hindu Marriage Act as well
custom .
Saptapadi - Marriage knot
symbolized by tying one end
of the groom' s scarf with
the bride 's dress . Then they
take seven steps
representing nourishment ,
strength , prosperity ,
happiness , progeny , long
life and harmony and
understanding , respectively.
Abhishek - Sprinkling of
water, meditating on the
sun and the pole star.
Anna Praashan - The
couple make food offerings
into the fire then feed a
morsel of food to each
other expressing mutual
love and affection.
Aashirvadah - Benediction
by the elders .
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