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marioo16 November 2011
s*x in relationships (2)
Is it really healthy for teens to be engaged in s*xual relationships? it can never b so many psycological t
marioo16 November 2011
Online dating (1)
Wanna get hitched over the internet? Do you you really know what you are doing? Yes..... No..... Maybe so? My advice... hell no! Oh you still wanna tr
marioo16 November 2011
What makes a relationship last (2)
Effective communication is essential 4 any relationship 2 last. Trust is also very essential never 4get that o.k. Feel free 2 reply! :-)
marioo16 November 2011
Dream girl or man (2)
We all dream about that dream girl or that dream man. We dream of all the perfect attributes they posses. But can that dream ever come? I want you to
marioo16 September 2011
Why (0)
Why does love seem to have gone on a vacation and left me out cold. I want her to come back but the thing is i dont know where she is! It seems love h
marioo16 March 2011
Losing who you love! (0)
it hurts to lose the one you love, the one you trust, the one who is always there. But its life, some things can't stay the same way forever
marioo16 March 2011
love is.... (0)
love is a funny thing it can knock you down flat and leave you cold. Can't say thats a nice experience, trust me I've been there. but hey life goes on
marioo16 November 2010
Lonely (0)
Ever just feel lonely and down like nobody cares if u existr? well wat u can u do abt it? Quite frankly i dont know. trust me being lonely is worst th
marioo16 October 2010
why dont males like commitment (0)
hey girls!! ever notice that guys fear commitments. Why do tou think that is so? i mean most guys when it comes to making a commitment it is the ha
marioo16 July 2010
Ever wonder why? (0)
Ever wonder why relationships fail? You know what i think? Ineffective communication. How can you be in a relationship and not communicate effectively
marioo16 June 2010
Wanna hear a Secrets! (0)
We all have our deep dark secrets hidden somewhere at the far corners of our minds. But let me tell you, 'whats done in the dark, will come to the lig
marioo16 June 2010
Doesnt matter! (0)
It doesnt matter it just doesnt. All the pain, heartache and strive will soon come to an end. Just take it easy and ride this one out. Forget the luxe
marioo16 June 2010
Why so emotional (1)
Ever wonder why females are so emotional? Why all the tears and mood swings? I would like the answer from some females. God must have put an overdose
marioo16 June 2010
Got milk? (0)
There is an old saying in jamaica ants inna yo milk in other words ants are in your milk. This is a situation in which one is being cheated on by a lo
marioo16 June 2010
So What? (0)
What does it all come down to in the end? Dont know what im talking about? I'm talking about those men who hit thier girlfriends or wives a

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