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The Etiquettes of Eating

Courtesy: From ad-Dawal ila-Allah

It may appear a little ironic to be discussing the subject of FOOD in a month, which is characterized by the command to abstain from it! Nevertheless, it is true to say that in this month the subject of food tends to receive special attention from us, for after a whole day of keeping our desires and hunger pangs at bay, the chance to eat ones till in the evening is much appreciated. An appropriate time therefore to highlight some of the Islamic etiquettes of eating we think.

For every act that a Muslim does, there is a chance for him to earn some reward for it from Allaah. From praying to performing ghusl, in everything Allaah has placed His Blessings and these blessings are multiplied in the month of Ramadhan.

These rewards and blessings can be attained only by those keen to imbibe the Guidance and Example (Sunnah) of the Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) into every mode of their lives, seeking thereby none but the Face of Allaah. For such people, their whole lives become Ebadah (worship). Even the act of eating and drinking upon which all living things depend can become acts of Ebadah. Thus, by acquainting ourselves with the Sunnah of eating and drinking we too can turn this mundane exercise into an act of worship and a source of blessing, InshaAllaah!!

The Etiquettes of Eating

1] How to Begin [1]
When a Muslim begins to eat, he should begin with the name of Allaah. As the Prophet Muhammad (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) said: When one of you eats, he should mention Allahs name (i.e. say Bismillah); if he forgets to mention Allahs name at the beginning, he should say (when he remembers): I begin in the name of Allah at the beginning and at the end of it ( Bismillah awwalahu wa Akhirahoo). [2]

The Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) explained that shaitan partakes in the food if the name of Allaah is not recited at the start of eating. However if one forgets in the beginning and then remembers and says the aforementioned duaa shaitan is made to vomit out what he has eaten. [3]

2] The Manners of Eating
The best manner in which to eat food is with the fingers. The Companion, lbn Kaab ibn Maalik reported that he saw the Messenger (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) eating with three fingers and when he finished, he would lick them. [4] Sadly nowadays, the Muslims are choosing to imitate the disbelievers rather than the Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) and are choosing to eat with knives and forks rather than the fingers. Although it is not at all forbidden (haraam) to eat with a Knife and fork, to consider this a better and more cultured or civilized way to eat is definitely wrong, since this is to consider someone elses way to be superior to that of the Prophets. It should also be mentioned that if one does choose to eat with a knife and fork, then they should make sure that the fork is in the right and not in the left hand as is the convention with the disbelievers. This is because to eat with the left hand is forbidden. The Prophet, (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) said: Do not eat with your left hand for shaitaan eats with his left hand, [5]

Another thing which the Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) taught us about the manners of eating is that we should always eat from what is nearest to us and not from the middle of the plate. The reason for this is that the blessings come down upon the food in its middle, therefore it should be left to last. [6]

3] The Manners of Sitting whilst Eating.
It would probably come as no surprise to us to learn that unlike the arrogant manner traditionally associated with the Greeks and Romans, the Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wasallam) would never eat from a reclining position.[7]

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