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* WORLD-of-ROMANCE > Topics
The lack 0f r0mANCE in a rltnshp cn seriusly afect a couple's emoti0nal intimacy,s*x life nd frndshp.A rltnshp simply cnn0t gro nd thrive wit0ut it.
Witout r0mANCE a rltnshp gets stale,borin nd partnas may evntualy stat lukin 0utsyd d rltnshp 2 find dat sPECIAL SpARK,nd dat's d beginin of d eND.By reinforchn dat u care abt d oda persn,dat ur rltnshp is worth d efort,it wil hep u LIve in d n0w nd enj0y each m0ment 0f tym spent 2geda..A massage is d perfect way 2 end an evnin wit ur luver.get 2 knw ur luver's body while pamperin dem wit ur relaxin t0uch..~zyna-dexm0~
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