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* Christianvision > Topics
God created us with a purpose.our coming was nt by mistake,it was God's idea and favour for us to see this world.Therefore it is nt God's plan to see that we Jeremaih 29;11 the bible saysfor i know the thoughts that i think towards you,says the LORD,thoughts of peace and not of evil,to give u a future and a hope.Also in ISAIAH 49;15-16 God says that He cannot forget you because He has inscribed you on the palms of His God's plan is for us to prosper in all things we do.BUT sin is the barrier that separates us from God.ISAIAH 59;1-2,it says that God is wiling and ready to answer our prayers and meet the desires of our hearts but SIN has hidden He's face from us so that He wil not hear.its upon us to know that our father God is just like a biological father who cares for his children so does God care for me and you
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