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rob0023 September 2012
condensed milk (0)
Can somebody help me please.... Does condensed milk come from really small cows? lol
mohan1si April 2012
wanted girl for love (6)
girls gm me for love
sarah__x April 2012
Mystical transport (0)
The Mystical bus: you have had a few drinks and go to use the toilet you come back to find that all the munters have been replaced by hotties. The Mys
bigas1 March 2012
Im your hundreth member! (2)
Yay! What a priviledge. X
sarah__x September 2011
hmm lol (5)
dont know why but tis popped into my mind the other day, i was intreaged by what people call it when men pleasure themselves or rather crudely(choking
sarah__x September 2011
Random funnies (5)
This is a post of some of the random sayings i think of and heard, enjoy!
sarah__x June 2011
the glas* is,. . . . . (2)
The glas* is... The glas* is... The glas* is... Is the glas* half empty or half full? The glas* is full alright because I chopped
sarah__x January 2011
skeletor vs beastman lol (0)
arrr uhhhhhhhhh guhhhh Who's there? ah uh ah *grunt* Now get outta here. huuh, you fool get the out! mmhhhm You rea
sarah__x January 2011
what a load of s**t lol [16]
The Perfect Dump Every once in a while, each of us experiences a perfect dump, it's rare, but a thing of beauty in all respects. You sit do
sarah__x January 2011
have you lost a penny? (6)
Here in the UK we've managed to loose over 6 billion of them. That's over 6,500,000,000! 65 million has been lost in just 36 years, yes
james.7 October 2010
The Galaxy Song (3)
Whenever life gets you down with a frown..... and things seem hard or tough..... and people are stupid, obnoxious or daft..... and you feel that you'v
james.7 October 2010
Danish Cartoons (0)
During the muslim protests over the Danish Cartoons mocking islam and allah. two asian muslims were arrested for carrying a banner which read BEHEAD A
sarah__x October 2010
the meanig of life finaly reve (0)
It was a friday night, I was standing by the bar and this drunk guy starts talking. He seemed crazy but I listened, his breath stinking of whis
sarah__x September 2010
stormy seas (1)
as the storm raged, the captain realized his ship was sinking fast. he called out, anyone here know how to pray? one man stepped forward. aye, captain
sarah__x September 2010
frankie boyles most darkest jo (0)
.questions that were rejected from this years exams: an object is traveling at 750mph, encounters resistance and slows to 0. how many months will r

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