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tarley 2020
Good Old mum n dad x (6)
What did your Parents teach you :o?
tarley 2020
Wish list (7)
What is the 1 thing u would love 2 do b4 u die :o? boo.gif
tarley 2020
Memorys [12]
Whats your favourite memory :o?
tarley 2020
The goOd old days [10]
What do you miss the most from your Childhood :o?
chr25uk July 2008
crashing :) (0) the best online footy game :P
tarley August 2007
A question wivin a question x (5)
Why do u use Prodigits :o) how did u get addicted 2 wap n how long av u bin in wapland hmmz popcorn.gif
tarley May 2007
Jokes lol x plz add urz :o) [16]
Little boy has a day out on a farm he comes runnin in an says 'mummy the bulls fokn the cow' his mum stopz him and says u dnt say it like that u say t
tarley May 2007
Lmslao sum Phone numberz (7)
Police 999 lol Crimestoppers o8oo 555 111 :op Samaritians (24hr) o8457 9o9o9o :o( Victim Support o845 3o3 o9oo ;o

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