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envouge June 2013
Pple r die-in bco3 of hunger.. (1)
Pple r truely die-in bco3 of hunger wht do u think about we can do 2 realy help even if we r sendin money 2 help what can we do?
envouge February 2013
Wht do u think about da life w (3)
The life dat we r livin 2day is full of disapointment coz of da killin ,stealin ad many more .If we wld want 2 makd achange what shld we 4case on 2 ma
envouge March 2012
Nyeri women (0)
Do u think it is right da way men r being beat up by their wifez
envouge October 2011
s*xual harashment (0)
Whn u enter a matatu alone u except u reach were ur goin without any1 harashin u right. Ok wht if a person comes en start 2 touch touch u this a guy d
danbangx August 2011
The scripture tells it all (0)
Read the Bible en u'l c that all thats happen' now is written thea, en worse is 2 come, thats the plain truth, take it or leave it.
envouge July 2011
Wht do u think about da life w (0)
The life dat we r livin 2day is full of disapointment coz of da killin ,stealin ad many more .If we wld want 2 makd achange what shld we 4case on 2 ma
envouge July 2011
Why do u think many gals/women (0)
Many of the gals die bcoz of abortion coz they does not take the time 2 consider what the risk of abortion is....

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