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A talizman is often a pentacule but can in fact be anything the maker wants it to be. Example: a ring or necklace are often used as talizmans. A talizman can do just about anythng u want it to do but mostly its used for protection/health or even luck. Now that you understand wat a TALIZMAN is , we can talk bout how to make one. Often a chresured item is used so it will have more meaning to the wilder. There dont have to be any desighns on it but the symbols of the four elements/pentacle often make it stronger. So now get ur item of choice and get in a dark room. Hold your item in both ur hands above your head and imagine wat u want it to do. Now picture it glowing brighter and brighter. Now u chant three times and three times only : WITH ALL THE DARKEST POWERS OF THE NIGHT, WITH ALL THE POWERS OF FORBIDDEN LIGHT,CAST THYSELVES IN THIS (the name of the object u are holding) WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT, AND GIVE INTO MY DISIRES FORBIDDEN SIGHT..:::And now u let the object feel ur breath . CONTINUES:NEXT POST
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