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* BiBlEuSeFuLnEsS > Topics

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darey018 February 2013
Please send comments (0)
Please send ur comments to elevate us.
darey018 February 2013
Prayer (1)
What is prayer? when do we need to pray? how do we pray? what is hypocrite? who ar d hypocrites? Send ur answers.
darey018 March 2012
Who is jesus? (0)
John 14 vs 5-14 he u av any question send it 2me. So dat i can answer u.
darey018 March 2012
Jesus teaches servanthood (0)
TEXT-John 14 vs 5-14Although jesus is d messaiah, he washed his disciples feet, he is not proud of his post in heaven, bt he humbled himself and wash
darey018 March 2012
How to be saved (0)
You must do the folowin Acknowledge u av sinned against God and his 4givenes 1john 1:8,9 and 1 timothy 1:15 REPENT and turn 4rm al ur sins.Ezek.

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