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* RealSituaTions > Topics

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derrigo March 2012
yor patners friends/relatives dn't lyk u (0)
real situations 4 us humans hw do u work it yr opinion is nided lets cross da bridge together guyz. tomorrow it myt b uu
derrigo March 2012
distance relationships hw do u maintain (0)
yo luv is vry far 4rm u hw do u balance yo relationshp wen it to trust,care,love comunicatn etc
derrigo March 2012
your partner is cheatn on u (0)
u luv her/him ed u dn't wat to lose thm hw do u cop wth dat..if u giv up hw do u go abt it..real situations lets resolve
derrigo March 2012
lets face reality wat wud u do wen u fyd out u ar in dis situation ed wats da way 4ward.guys let in yr views ed opinion.

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