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. At first, we will design our registration site,
1. for this goto ES USER USER PROFILES Activate user profiles by marking the checkbox at the top most and press SET b*ttonat the end.. It will activate profile system to be used..
2. Now find the text Registration Profile form under this text in textbox insert the following code and press SET b*tton again

Site title:br /
::var+1(40):: br /
br /
URL: (include http://)br /
::var+2(50):: br /
br /
Description:br /

. Mark the check box askingfor Display profile form in registration page: and again press SET b*tton
4. Find Profile form (default) and empty its textbox and press SET b*tton Now the registration page in your site should look like thefollowing picture, you can see your registration page by going to Site with your wapka login)
. Now we will design the mainpage first, I think that way you will understand better..
1. Goto Home page of your site
2. Via WML/xHML code add the following code

table width=100%:userstats:d=ru,l=10,wc=2-5000,s=:geti-page:,o=cr,n=No Site in this category at the moment ::
trtd%sn%. %prvar-1%/td/tr
:: :/userstats: /table:paging: n=:geti-page(1):, u=site_:getid-site:.%ext%?get-page=%n% ::divPages: %n% %n% %n% .... %nlast%/div:/paging:

This will display user list displaying the site title andlink.. Only those sites will be displayed that have send more than 2 hits... Now we need to add two links Register Now, Login/Edit Site, add them via ES WML/xHTML with the help of the following code
Register Nowbr /
Login/Edit Site

. If you like you can add another info for the visitors, let them know howmany site are registered and how many sending us *its.. Just add the followingcode via ES WML/xHTML code

hr/:userstats:d=ru,wc=2-5000,l=0:: :: :/userstats: sites sending hits to us out of :stats-ru: registered sites.

Now we have completed our home page.. looking nice?
At the point, we have completed our registration page, login page and home page.. If you don't understand any of them ask via comment form below..
5. Now we will design page that will keep the user site details and more data, for this do following
1. Goto ES USER USER PROFILES find Profile form (default) *: and post the following code in the box, after that press SET b*tton at the end

Site title: ::var+1(40):: br /
br /
URL: ::var+2(50):: br /
br /
Description: ::var+3(area)::

. find Profile constants**: and change its code with the following one

Hits In: ::credit::br /
br /
Hits Out: ::pr_count::br /
br /
Voting: ::vote::

Now fiind Own style of profile site ***: and place the following link instead the first one..

div align=centerClick Here to Continue to the website/div::PROFILE_FORM::br /
br /
br /
br /
Vote for this site: ::VOTE(Bad;Good)::

. Now goto ES ADD AUTOCONTENT Autocontent for profiles In first text box write -4 and in second write -5 andthen click SET b*tton
7. Now goto Home page and click the b*tton after site at the bottom and gotosite -4 via the jump box.. In site -4 add the following code via ES WML/xHTML code

meta HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH content=0; url=:userstats:d=ru,l=1,x=u:: %prvar-2%:: :getid-profile: :/userstats:/

Please take in mind that this code will redirect every time you will refreshthe page, please be carefull and tricky in this part after adding the code just goto ES USER ITEMVISIBILITY and click g c t l pU link and after that click URL GET variable llink, in next page set as following in the picture and click the SET b*tton

In this part we will create our control panel for user, you need to create new page via ES NEW PAGE suppose its SITEID is 1..
1. To allow user to edit its site address and title etc we will add few options.. Add the following code via ES WML/xHTML code
h3 class=divEdit Site/h3:eprofile-x x x: Site title:br /
::var+1::br /
Site URL: (include http://)br /
::var+2::br /
Site Description:br /
::var+3::br /
@@Edit My Site:/eprofile:br /
Change x x x with the Site ID on which we are workingor that you have added in this part :) suppose 1
2. Now its time to add the reference codes that will be used to increase hits in when user sends a vistor, add following via ES WML/xHTML code
textareah3 class=divInstall Codes/h3Free toplist/textarea
. To allow user to change password for his account, you can use following code,add via ES WML/xHTML code
LogoutChange Password

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