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1. What will be my message board URL? All users get a FREE subdomain AND subfolder! Your message board URL can be access by either or 2. Will there be any pop-ups or spyware? No! We will NEVER put any spyware, pop-up, pop-under, fly-in, or ANY other devious types of adverti ts on your message board. 3. How can this be free? is completely ad-supported. We place minimal ads on users' forums in order to generate the extra income needed to keep our servers running in the best condition possible while maintaining our topnotch user support. 4. Is domain forwarding allowed? Sure! You're welcome to do anything you want to make things more convenient for you. Note: We try to make it easy for search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN and others to link to your site. If you use domain forwarding services (like .tk) it will likely ruin your chances of these search engines linking to you. 5. Is this really free? Yes! Our services are 100 FREE for any and all who wish to use them! 6. Do you have good support? Yes, indeed! We offer 24/7* email support and varying hours of Live Support Chat. *Excludes some holidays! 7. What control do I have? You have FULL Administrative powers! Anything pertaining to your forum will be editable in your control panel. 8. Can I can make my own designs? Yes! With our cool Theme Builder you can create your very own layouts directly from your control panel! 9. Can I transfer my board here? Yes of course, we routinely have people who want to leave their current hosts and move here. All you need to do is email us with a backup of your board and tell us the account name you created with us and we will have you up and running in as little as 15 minutes. 10. How long have you been around? We have been proudly hosting free message boards since early June of 2005. Ever since we have been known for our quality services, quick support, and revolutionary features. 11. Do I have to download anything? No, all aspects of your free message board can be controlled via your on site Admin Control Panel. No need to download anything! 12. Am I able to turn cool features on/off? Yes. Using our MOD Center you can turn cool features on/off with just one click! 13. Do you offer Premade themes? Yes, we do. Just click the Premade Themes link in your control panel. If you don't see a theme you like you can easily build a custom theme using our Theme Builder.
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