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This passage of scripture is the most powerful passage in the Bible: on the being and nature of God. And its also the most attacked passage in the Bible. Why? because it: denies and excludes all the false theologies about the being/nature of God. Secondly, it confirms the true nature and the being of God, by interpreting what Moses had written in Genesis, leaving us in no doubt has to why Moses used the plural noun (Elohim), when he could have use the singular form of the noun (El and Ellah), and also why God refers to his being with plural pro nouns (us and our). This study will be a fascinating one; we are going to dissect this passage, take it apart and an*lyze each of its particulars. Now, lets start by quoting the verse.

Remember this, you always interpret the Old Testament in the Light of the New Testament, not the other way around. The New Testament explains the Old.
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