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* Glittering-Babies > Topics

Read the following points without fail as these are d Rules of GLITTERING-BABIES group:
rules.gif note: Follow them strictly or U will be banned.

1: No abusing,swearing.
2: no valgar language or wrds
3: no misbehaving,No cheap comments
4: no off limit jokes
5: no misbehaving with girls
6:except 4,5 mesages, no of topic mesages il b beared by moderators n da member il b strictly warneb even moderators
7:any topic relaeted to WAR, CRIME, POLITICS, CURRENT AFFAIRS, RELEGION or abt country such as IND/PAQ etc it wil b locked
8: any topic releated to s*x/valgar wrds/languages il b delted n memeber il b ban
9: no vulgar pctures/cliparts r allowed
10: any kinda disrespect of any member/moderators wil nt b beared
11: Another groups invitation or ads are nt allow here. Your post wil be deleted if u gave any add here. N u wil be warned
12: User cant create any topic on his self.because if every user start 2 create his/her own topic than it'll be many topic.
13: Members r not allowd 2 create his/her own name topic.
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