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* Advice-On-Life > Topics
''GOD has forgotten me!'' a Brazilian woman cried out. After the sudden death of her husband, she felt that her life no longer had any meaning. Have you ever tried to comfort someone who is that distressed or who is perhaps crying for help?

Some become so despondent that they end their life,and a number of them are youths. According to the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo, a study in Brazil shows that ''suicide among youths has increased by 26 percent.'' For instance, consider the case of Walter,* a young man in So Paulo. He had no parents, no home, no privacy, no friends he could count on. To end his misery, Walter decided to jump off a bridge.

A single mother, Edna already had two children when she met another man. After only a month, they began living together in the home of his mother, who dabbled in spiritism and was an alcoholic. Edna had another child, began drinking excessively, and became so depressed that she tried to commit suicide. Finally, she lost custody of her children.

*Some names have been changed
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