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* Should-You-Fear-Hell > Topics
Dead people do not GO anywhere. Good dead people do not go to heaven to float on clouds and walk streets of gold, and bad dead people do not go to a place called hell to be tortured in fire for all eternity. Dead people are dead and will remain dead until the ''Resurrection from the DEAD,'' and that resurrection is yet FUTURE.

When I tell ppl that when we die, were DEAD, they call me a heretic. When I talk to pastors about the ''resurrection of the DEAD,'' they dont know what Im talking about. The ''Resurrection of the DEAD'' has absolutely no place in Christiandom. Amazing... absolutely amazing. The entire 15th chapter of 1st Corinthians deals with the resurrection of the DEAD! nevermind wot i say, lets have a look at wot the Bible says.
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