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INNOVATIONS (New things) brought into ISLAM, by Ignorant/Illiterate MUSHRIKs NOT proven by QURAN/SAHIH HADEES, considered UNISLAMIC & NOT accepted by MusliMs, Exposed here in REFERENCE 2 QURAN/HADEES. Join us
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This wapgroup deals and discuss about diffrent religions. like Islam . christianity . jews . hinduism . jainism . sikhism . buddhism . Atheist . agnosticism . zoroastrians . freemasons . science religion. vagetarianism..etc. and display you the RIGH ONE.
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Forum bg pr pecinta Rasulullah SAW. Mencintai Rasulullah SAW adalah suatu keharusan. Tdk dikatakan iman kl tdk mencintai Rasulullah SAW.
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Uniting the Muslim Ummah


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