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Groups » thekings » aisha12
* thekings > aisha12
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Formed on 10th June 2010 to replace all those Boring Kenyan Groups on Prodigts.It has topics ranging from sports,hookups,rltnshps,hanyes..,2gther with all genres of music and pics.
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CoMe GeT a PoSiTiOn In ThE EA fUn JoInt CluB...HoT cHiCkX n DuDeZ oN pOiNt...itS mOrE dAn SwAgGeR...sOo fAnTaBuLoUs N fAbUlAsTiC...kRaZiE!!@aLl____N iF u DoN WaNnA jOiN 'unajifanya migingo ung'ang'aniwe na nani?'...No OlD gRaNdS!!!! aLsO a GuD NuMbEr Of m

* thekings

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