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Welcome To AryanWap!! This is a Gr0uP Where you get Cool Apps,Games,Themes,Tones,G.i.F Animations,Logos of your Name(ON DEMAND),CHEESY PicK-UP LineS,JoKeS,TrickS/HACKS And Lots More!! GOT ABOUT 700 MEMBERS, ABOVE 1050 FiLeS. (DAILY UPDATED)
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_Accurate knowledge leads to everlasting life. (1Ti 2:3,4;John 17:3) I'm inviting you to join our bible-study. Here, you will find the answers to life's big questions: WHO REALLY IS GOD? HOW CAN YOU FIND THE TRUE RELIGION? WHAT IS GOD'S KINGDOM? And more!
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You think you are a genius when it comes 2 math then come on in, you have trouble with a math prob leave it here nd let the pros do it,you want to learn mo about maths then you are in the right place,you are free to ask,solve nd bring que.
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Junior Engineers Technician and Scientists ( J.E.T.S)
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* Generalscience

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