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Groups » kneeology » Members » angelia2
* kneeology > Members > angelia2
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Hi.. This is where South African ppl and ppl from other nations are welcome to join and can get together with over 2290 members,119 free pic's to download for free and links for you to watch tv, banking, get news and E-bay!
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This group was found for the REMNANT of God,for those who say LORD purify my spirit and my soul,for those who are called of God to minister his heart and mind in wapland.for those who would rather spend time home with God rather than being at the mall
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here we help each other on how to of building wapsite. HTML codes,wml,java scripts! ur contribution will be welcome.
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people who want to make new friends
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Make new friends and also meet old ones:-)

* kneeology

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