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All pple ur welcm
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Attention KINGS n QUEENS.. (,''('',) This Lonely Beautiful Garden of FALLEN ROSES welcumz U by Sprinkling Cute Rose PeTalz on U- Join this Magical World of 4900+Friendz/ 9400+FREE Files/ 1700+topicz n so on! GROUP UPDATED regularly. Enjoy wid Frndz here:)
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Hi5 is a social networking site with over 50 million members. It's similar to facebook, myspace, friendster and orkut. JOIN NOW!
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Everyday is a new adventure and everyday has a meaning: YESTERDAY is history nd we call it the past - TODAY is a gift this is y we call it present - but TOMORROW is yet to come nd thats y its called the future.. LiFe is A joURneY and not a competition...
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corresponding @ making new friends
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J0in uz and make sure that u are friendly and u kn0w h0w to respect.thx

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