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* ANIMAL-PLANET > Photos > Rabbits and Rodents (36)

European Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
European Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
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The European Rabbit or Common Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is a species of rabbit native to south west Europe (Spain & Portugal) & north west Africa (Morocco & Algeria). It has been widely introduced elsewhere often with devastating effects on local biodiversity. Australia has the most problems with European Rabbits, due to the lack of natural predators. The European Rabbit is well-known for digging networks of burrows, called warrens, where it spends most of its time when not feeding. The European Rabbit is a small, grey-brown (or somtimes black) mammal ranging from 34 - 45 cm (13 - 18 in) in length & is approximately 1.3 - 2.2 kg (3 - 5 lb) in weight. Rabbits have long ears, large hind legs & short, fluffy tails. Rabbits move by hopping, using their long & powerful hind legs. Rabbits are gregarious, social animals, living in medium sized colonies known as warrens, that contain 2 - 10 other individuals. Rabbits are largely crepuscular, being most active around dawn & dusk. They are infrequently seen during the day, prefer to reside in vegetated patches which they use for protection from predators. At night, they move into open prairie to feed. They have a diverse diet of grasses, leaves, buds, tree bark & roots. They will also eat lettuce, cabbage, root vegetables & grains. One single pair of mature rabbits are able to produce 30 - 40 offspring per year. The gestation cycle for a rabbit averages 31 days, although it can vary anywhere between 29 & 35 days. Kittens are born in a nest in an isolated part of the warren. The female builds, prepares & defends the nest. She takes care of the kittens without any help from the buck. However, bucks show considerable investment in the welfare of young, although, it is possible that the males may just be trying to enhance their social status, by being surrounded by friendly individuals.
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