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Life experiences should be treasured whether its good or bad some of the words that describe me....D

More About fly_dude
fly_dude is of black / african origin, straight, in a relationship, believer, living alone and wants to be a dad one day. He has graduated from college.

Am me i love talkative outgoing wome extravagant long as talkative doesn't mean you call me 50 times a day just to talk i only want flings will never look for something seriouse am a total heartbreaker end my idols are casanova and any other womanizar..i dont fall for overly horny pervy chicks arusing the internet looking for innocent men to take advantage of.if you think you 'll have thoughts of grabbing the scissors and letting them loose on my little head when am asleep after our first fight?let me just say the mental hospital is not the same as my home address...when i give you my number it does not give you a "license to stalk"in the middle of the night every night because it wil make me think you are rearly a man since most rearly needy guys always do that... more details >>
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