Prodigits |
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* Interests
Cars, food and girls :D lol and talking nonsense to

* Makes Me Happy
Err.. Happy stuff.. Ya..

* Makes Me Sad
Sad stuff...? Yes I think that's the right answer

* Good Habits
I don't lie. Don't smoke. Don't do drugs.

* Bad Habits
I don't think I have any but you're welcome to see for yourself

* Profession
Online psychologist


* Team
The winning one lol

* Music
House. Trrance. Stuff like that.

* Singer/Band
Don't have any favourites

* TV Show
Anything that has cars in it or anything funny

* Movie
Comedies and horrors only

* Animal
Love em all but I'm a dog person.

* Food/Drink

* Author
None in particular

* Person
I like everyone lol I don't judge

* Place
A white sand, clear blue watered beach island :)

* Thing
Lol my phones and pc

* Quote
Too many to mention or 27A0CCF5 :)

More About dbnp01zn
dbnp01zn is straight, single, living with his parents and wants to be a dad one day. He has graduated from college.

He is normal weight, 5' 7" - 6' (170cm - 183cm) tall, has brown eyes and average body

27A0CCF5 but don't be boring :P
Photos (1)

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