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* Interests
writing and listening to people talk about thing. humans are absolutely fascinating.

* Makes Me Happy
funny people and cute people

* Makes Me Sad
rude and illmannered jerk offs

* Good Habits
caring too much and wanting to know more than i should

* Bad Habits
knowing too much and being too honest about what i know

* Profession
a future psychiatrist and current writer

not interested in your lame sex talk. i live to write

More About arria23
arria23 is straight, single, agnostic, living with her roommate and wants to be a mom one day. She has graduated from high school.

She is normal weight, 5' - 5' 3" (152cm - 160cm) tall, has brown eyes and curvy body

i have fun... im really silly but also a bit of a smart ass.. i tend to be a little moody but only in the face of ignorance. i love to write and i love metal and rock. people come to me for advice... so im always ready to give.. everyone loves me so i love them back.
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