Prodigits |
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* Interests
Travelling reading playing cricket being on the internet exchanging photograph etc

* Makes Me Happy
Being with family

* Makes Me Sad
Dnt like people lie 2 me

* Good Habits
Always be honest

* Bad Habits
No self respect

* Profession


* Music
Souls, r@b, hip hop etc

* Singer/Band
Back street boyz

* TV Show
Passion CSI Dr Phil etc

* Movie
Honey, 2 can play that game, addicted

* Animal
Dog ,rabbit etc

* Food/Drink
Chicken @ chips drink fruits juice

* Author
Shake spares

* Person

* Place
Beach etc

* Thing
Ice cream etc

* Quote
What is one man garbage is another man truasure

More About avemaria
avemaria is of mixed race, straight, single, living with her parents and wants to be a mom one day. She has graduated from high school.

She is normal weight, 5' - 5' 3" (152cm - 160cm) tall, has black eyes and slim toned body

I would used the word adventurous to describe myself . I am 24 years old maria stands at 5ft tall. My interests include playing cricket travelling @ interacting with people. The quailities im looking for in a man include honesty @ spontaneity,open must be very determined @ambitious conversation are a little adventurous , relaxed @knows how 2 have a good time satisfy my fancies . My idea of an ideal date involves an candlelight romantic sitting with some good home wine, soft music taking long walks on the beach @ cooking etc. The most attractive quality is my eyes @ my hair according to information so do the guyz.
Photos (118)

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