Prodigits |
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* Interests
anyfin that makes me sweat n leevs me breathless :p play tennis, go ghosthunting n love bein in or on the water :)

* Makes Me Happy
bein held oh so tight in stuarts big strong arms mmm so perfect :) and umm choc, and those tiny litl moments of kindness not enuf ppl show :)

* Makes Me Sad
when stu doesnt make it home :( hate that :( umm hate n spite n intolerence.. and havin no choc :(

* Good Habits
try n treat ppl like i want 2 b treated, umm bit cheeky but harmless :p

* Bad Habits
lil flirty pants haha n waay too soppy hehe x

* Profession
student, tennis coach n semi-proffessional lil buga haha x


* Team
um if we talkin footie i shud say the canaries.. but im not gonna :p

* Music
lil fluffy punk rock princess.. nufin too heavy tho x

* Singer/Band
ummm MCR, blink182, finch, simple plan, framing hanley, 30secondstomars, hoobastank n ummm *whispers* matt cardle lol

* TV Show
ghost huntin shows except that stoopid most haunted wubbish, mrs browns boys n ama documentary addict :p

* Movie

* Animal
my big highland man stuart :)

* Food/Drink
fajitas mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

* Author
biogs mostly xx like the time travellers wife awsum book jus cant rmember the author atm n am 2 lazy to go c :p

* Person
greatly admire mr mandela n huge fan of federererererer mmmmmmm not jus his game either lol but the biggest n brightest n most important person to me is my stuart :) love him like my lil heart is gonna burst!

* Place
anywhere that isnt home :( anywhere that stu is holding me :)

* Thing
my daddys cap :)

* Quote
change wot u can, accept wot u cant, n have the wisdom to kno the difference :)

you cant touch me... so dont even try..

More About litlbear

She is lightweight, under 5' (152cm) tall, has brown eyes and slim toned body
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