Prodigits |
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* Interests
Animals, drawing/artwork, social sites, going out with friends, social drinking, video games PC

* Makes Me Happy
Being a furry, random funnies, friends family oh role playing and when in heat yiffing :3 hehe

* Makes Me Sad
Animal crulty, disrespctful people, close minded people,people that doent know how to treat a furry

* Good Habits
Always there for my true friends snuggles n cuddles giver

* Bad Habits
Erm some time I talk too much when I get too shy

* Profession
I am a professional fursuiter and photographer


* Team
Erm.............. Leister football club (foxes) lol

* Music
I love all kinda of music but mainly techno happy hardcore

* Singer/Band
I like schooter!! And amy lee!!! OMG *drools*

* TV Show
Mongrals, animals of farthing wood

* Movie
American werewolf In london, american werewolf in paris, blood n chocolate, curst, howling films, balto, dog soldiers, fox and hound,lady and the tramp, bolt, alpha and omega

* Animal
Loool doesn't take a sicenctist for figure it out fox :3

* Food/Drink
I LOVE chicken KFC OMG!!!! And dr pepper hehe

* Author
Too many to list out lol

* Person
Stia7, Amy Lee, Samantha Staris

* Place
My den :)

* Thing
My camra :)

* Quote
I'd rather die on paws then to live on feet

I am a furry I am a lesbian I am cuute n fluffeh!! Come say hi to me :3

More About lesvixen
lesvixen is of white / caucasian origin, gay, single, spiritual, living with her roommate and doesn't have kids. She has graduated from university.

She is normal weight, 5' 7" - 6' (170cm - 183cm) tall, has gray eyes and slim body

I'm a furry anthropormopic animal vixen I roleplay as a vixen I mate as a vixen I like to be treated like a vixen I'm a furry google it!
Photos (33)

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