Prodigits |
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* Makes Me Happy
Get new friend

* Makes Me Sad
Fail at schol

* Good Habits
Believe in god

* Bad Habits
Unfallow your god

* Profession
Cartoon watchew


* Team
I hate football

* Music
My heart wil go on

* Singer/Band
Justin bieber.

* TV Show
Trace . Disney . Fox movie . Tbc

* Movie
Pretty girl. Rapunzel . Titanic . Iron man

* Animal
Cat . Dog . Dolphin

* Food/Drink
Rice with beans. Eggs . Chocolate . Candy

* Author
Richard s mabala

* Person
Rahma abdulahaziz

* Place

l like to make friend

More About flavian1
flavian1 is of black / african origin, straight, single, religious, living with his parents and wants to be a dad one day. He has graduated from high school.

He is normal weight, 5' - 5' 3" (152cm - 160cm) tall, has brown eyes and medium build body
Photos (4)

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