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* Interests
Good thing

* Makes Me Happy
When my wap friends ar always concern for our frndship

* Makes Me Sad
Whe the day u leave me,

* Good Habits
To love

* Bad Habits
two much love,Cry nd to distroying my life wen someone i love well leave

* Profession
caring of those who close in my heart.


* Music
You maka me stronger,Let just kiss and say good bye.

* Food/Drink
rice/dried fish/water

* Author
tha author of da book of my meciry life.

* Person
the one nd only man i love

* Place
Dis wap which i meet the man who teach me to love nd give me pain..

* Thing
My phone

* Quote
Its better to be back to my ex,than to see my life with another hoker..

i just want to leave da nightmare of my life from any body who want to push me down.

More About 28fm8
28fm8 is single, living with her parents and doesn't have kids

She is lightweight, 5' - 5' 3" (152cm - 160cm) tall, has black eyes and defined body

3 Simple tips to play safe in the game of life( that i wanna)Learn. Don't Promise when U ar Happy. Don't Reply when U ar Angry, and Don't Decide when U ar Sad.
Photos (4)

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