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* Interests
On new mobiles

* Makes Me Happy
Good friends who wants to chat

* Makes Me Sad
Server failure.

* Good Habits
Helps everyone. Good behaviour

* Bad Habits
Studies once a week

* Profession


* Team
Germany, fc bayern munich

* Music
Somewhere i belong, wavin flag, satisfya

* Singer/Band
Pitbull, linkin park, imran khan

* TV Show
Dragon ball z

* Movie
Kung fu hustle, men in black, home alone

* Animal
Royal bengal tiger, bull, rhino

* Food/Drink
Nuddles, burger

* Author
My foot

* Person
Kaka, de lima, the rock, john cena

* Place
Paris, mecca, munich

* Thing
Muscles, wwe

* Quote
I want to have good buddies

Best on humanity

More About reventonrider
reventonrider is asian, single, religious, living alone and wants to be a dad one day. He has graduated from high school.

He is normal weight, 5' 3" - 5' 7" (160cm - 170cm) tall, has black eyes and athletic body

I am awesome. No i am not. He he he. I want girlfriend. Will anyone be mine?
Photos (1)

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