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* Interests
Walks, beautiful scenery photography, sight-seeing, passionate displays of affection (not sloppy).I also enjoy cooking and baking, experimenting with narcotics, and reading good books.

* Makes Me Happy
Sleeping, eating chocolate, having ice-cream...eating chocolate ice-cream :) hehehe! You get the picture here.

* Makes Me Sad
Forgetting important and meaningful things/events

* Good Habits
I always compliment people and always focus on positive sides of experiences.

* Bad Habits
Talk to myself in my head a lot.

* Profession
I'm a student, BCom Info Systems


* Team
All German football teams

* Music
Anything exotic, emotionally compelling or vibrantly fun

* Singer/Band
Right now, it's myself, when I'm in the shower :)

* TV Show
Game of Thrones

* Movie

* Animal
Baby pets :) domestic animals are my friends

I'm a fun-loving, young girl who always seeks beauty in everything. I wear my heart on my sleeve

More About leeserkay
leeserkay is of black / african origin, straight, in a relationship, believer, living with her partner and has 1 child. She has graduated from university.

She is normal weight, 5' - 5' 3" (152cm - 160cm) tall, has brown eyes and average body

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