Prodigits |
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* Interests
My family, blogging, cooking, the internet, maybe you?! (Im somewhat of a smartass when I want to be.) Ill keep ya on ur toes. Im tons o fun guys & gals.....tons!

* Makes Me Happy
When my kitty jumps on my lap in the morning, stretches out, purrs, and just relaxes, a good cup of coffee, a surprise phone call from a friend, and of course....the internet! YES.

* Makes Me Sad
The fact that my little boy was killed back on 2008. I love you Darby!!

* Good Habits
I guess I eat right, I do shower everyday, I make my bed in the morning, and lots of other fabulous things.

* Bad Habits
Smoking, and Mexican/Italian food. (Yummy) Bad because I over endulge with the above mentioned. <wink>

* Profession
Professional Slacker, oxygen consumer, net junkie, unprofessional blogger and one hell of a well~rounded induvidual. (wink)


* Team
The Anhiem Angels and The Saints of New Orleans!

* Music
Whatever. Matters what type of mood I'm in.

* Singer/Band
Black Eyed Peas, Nickleback, Slipknot, Metallica, Blackk Flag, NIN, Social D, & lots of others too.

* TV Show
I just LOVE television!!

* Movie
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Pulp Fiction, Ferris Buellers Day Off, Kill Bill vl. 1&2, Saw 1~6, The Shining, Song Remains the Same, & numerous others!

* Animal
My cat. But animals are all b***hen!

* Food/Drink
Mexican, Italian, Subway, Gus Jr Burgers, Pizza Hut..sometimes, and Grinders with homemade pickles & dressing! < now Im hungry >

* Author
John Gresham & Nikki Sixx.

* Person
My kids, my friend Robert, perhaps some of you. One never knows...

* Place
My beddie, the couch, and a fancy hotel with a spa & room service!

* Thing
My laptop & my HTC EVO 3d! ( except my cell was stolen..b****rds!)

* Quote
I do as I please and I so it with ease. Okay? (wink)

I enjoy cooking, going to the movies, going to concerts, and I'm totally into Disneyland. I like to

More About imlexie
imlexie is of white / caucasian origin, straight, single, believer, living with her roommate and has 2 children. She has graduated from college.

She is normal weight, 5' 7" - 6' (170cm - 183cm) tall, has gray eyes and average body

What more can I say? Why don't you drop me a message and you can tell me all about yourself & then Ill give more 411 on myself. *Ciao* for now!! :-D
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