Prodigits |
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* Interests
Quick list, pubs, food, stella, rugby, football, Leeds united, england, most sports, drinking, eating. Out with my mates, dating fit sexy birds who wear boots, drinking stella n wine at the same time sometimes, very talented you see, films tv and las

* Makes Me Happy
Stella, sport, films, birds in boots, sex

* Makes Me Sad
A serious lack of the above thats been mentioned

* Good Habits
Not a habit, am Am addiction,

* Bad Habits
I Was born, been a bad habit ever since, so my MUM said,

* Profession
Am a self employed ducter, that means when your in a building, and you feel cold or warm air coming from the ceiling, it Was a ducter that got it for you, no need to say thanks lol


* Team
Any team with the words Leeds or england and i'll support em,

* Music
Virtually everything, tho alot of dance does my tit's in, and robbie williams he's a first class c**t

* Singer/Band
Oasis, stone roses, charlaton's, that sort, jam, Paul weller, david gray, the list is endless

* TV Show
Way too much to mention but couldn't live without top gear And QI

* Movie
Again too many but james bond, cos he's modelled on me lol

* Animal

* Food/Drink
Stella, white n red wine, anything, all food but sea food its just wrong

* Author
James herbert, all good horror writers

* Person
Stephen fry, love to meet him and jeremy clarkson

* Place
England!! Been all over the world, nowhere is been,

* Thing
Quite like me alot but am not a thing lol

* Quote
Its very easy to be polite, but its dam difficult to eat corn on the Cob with no f**king teeth!!

A thing of dreams to some a nightmare to others!! Pip pip

More About charlib
charlib is of white / caucasian origin, straight, single, agnostic, living with ? and has 1 child. He has graduated from elementary school.

He is normal weight, 5' 7" - 6' (170cm - 183cm) tall, has blue eyes and average body

Am ere n so are you. Its life, no big plan, take it day by day, its life so live it, before you die, out else ask, but to help you out quick sum up. Am charlie, 40 average bloke, looks n body, single chin chin pip pip and never forget, jesus loves ya, but I think your a c**t!!!
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