Prodigits |
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* Interests
Health and fitness, Art, music, anything athletic and artistic really!

* Makes Me Happy
Good friends to talk to

* Makes Me Sad
People being inconsiderate of others...

* Good Habits
I'm a great listener

* Bad Habits
I snore lol

* Profession
Full time 24/7 stay at home mother to my 2 and half year old daughter


* Team

* Music
Everything you can think of.. Rock, pop, country, classical, punk, techno, dance, metal, blues, soul, rap, hip hop, RnB, dub.

* Singer/Band
Ah to many to name! But absoulite favourite is Metallica!

* TV Show
Ummm a few.. The walking dead comes to mind first!

* Movie
Thats a hard one i like alot of movies but i enjoy horror the most

* Animal
I have a passion for animals i like all of them but my favorites are bears, horses and PENGUINS.

* Food/Drink
Hard one... Umm... I dunno! Cant go past a good steak!

* Author

* Person
My bestest friend in the whole entire world of course!!! RICK!!!!!!!!

* Place
Sitting outside @ night looking up at the stars and thankin god for what i have, not complaining about what i don't... There is always someone out there that has it worse then you so chins up people and smiiiiiile!

* Thing
My favourite things in life are not things.

* Quote
The greatest pleasure in life is doing the things that others say you can not...

Chat to females only.... Nothing personal guys... Actually yeah it is...

More About yoyo86
yoyo86 is of mixed race, gay, in a relationship, spiritual and has 1 child. She has graduated from high school.

She is normal weight, 5' 7" - 6' (170cm - 183cm) tall, has blue eyes and curvy body

I am a very simple girl that has a passion for many things like art and music but most of all life. I believe life's what you make it and you always have a choice in which direction you want go... I believe in gods will and the power of fate but also believe they will only take you so far... If you have the will to chase down dreams, moderation to achieve your goals and the courage to try, then anything is possible... I have very little self doubt and know exectly where I want to go in life so don't mess with me!!

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