Prodigits |
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* Interests
Anime, Manga, Women, Japan, Computers, Women, Games, Programming, Women, Music, Cooking and Baking, Women, Gardening, Crochet and Women

* Makes Me Happy
When I get a lot of attention and love. Oh, and Anime. Lots and lots of Anime.

* Makes Me Sad
Being ignored or falsely accused of any thing that's not my fault or doing. It really pissis me off.

* Good Habits
Giving, good hearted (Some times a little too good), I like shared what I have if I have any thing to share or give

* Bad Habits
Short tempered (I have a really short fuse. triggers are "Pain, sudden and sharp pain, unreasonable people or situation. Or when thing just don't seem to be going my way).Some times I'm a little to selfish.

* Profession
none and every thing.


* Music
Favorite Genres: Rave, Trance, Techno, Electronica, New Age, Pop, J-Pop, J-Rock, Rock, Hard Rock, Metal, Heavy Metal, Classical Music, some Jazz (Not all of it), some Blues (Not all of it)

* TV Show
The Walking Dead, High School of The Dead (Anime), Nadesico (Anime)

* Movie
Transformers (All of them), Pacific Rim

* Animal

* Author
Edgar Rice Burroughs, J.R.R Tolkien

* Place

* Quote
Keep moving farward

I love anime. I hate child abuse ect.

More About drraven
drraven is of white / caucasian origin, straight, single, spiritual, living with his parents and wants to be a dad one day. He has graduated from high school.

He is chubby, 6' - 6' 3" (183cm - 190cm) tall, has blue eyes and fuller figure body

I like Anime, I love Anime and I love women even more. If you don't like me then you don't know me, and I didn't ask for your approval. I am who I am. I love messing around with software just to see how it works and how other people arranged their software interface or GUI as some know it. I'm learning to speak Japanese so that I can some time in the near future move to Japan. It's not easy but I'm getting there. I like reading and writing, I've written several short stories already. You can find some of them on my web site

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